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Зображення 00760. Pulmonary regurgitation (operated tetralogy of Fallot)

Автор: Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd
Редактори оригінального тексту: -
Дата останнього оновлення: 2000-01-01

Tetralogy of Fallot operated at the age of one year. Pulmonary valve opens well, but leaks moderately. Pulmonary flow is normal, 1.2 m/s, the velocity of the regurgitation is 2 m/s. On auscultation and in the phonogram the diastolic murmur is louder than the systolic one, and the spectrogram shows higher frequencies during diastole. After the operation the child has had RBBB which is why the pulmonary artery valve opens late and the split of the second heart sound is both heard on auscultation and seen on the contours. Age 4.5 years, height 111.0 cm, weight 19.0 kg. Area of auscultation: left second ic (LIC2).