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Зображення 00735. Aortic stenosis (surgery as a newborn)

Автор: Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd
Редактори оригінального тексту: -
Дата останнього оновлення: 2000-01-01

As a newborn this child underwent successful surgery for critical aortic stenosis. Now mild valvular stenosis is detected: flow gradient is 25 mmHg, and narrow-based regurgitation is also found. On auscultation the child has a coarse systolic murmur, third-degree at the most, and also a short first-degree early diastolic regurgitation murmur. Phonogram shows a diamond shape that matches stenosis. The aortic click is not distinguished. This could be explained by the mildness of the stenosis and child's young age: poststenotic dilatation of the ascending aorta has not developed yet. A silent early diastolic flow murmur is also seen. Spectrogram shows a descending contour that supports stenosis, maximum frequency is slightly over 500 Hz. Age 2.2 years, height 85.0 cm, weight 11.0 kg. Area of auscultation: left third ic (LIC3).