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Зображення 00726. Hyperkinetic murmur in a young man

Автор: Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd
Редактори оригінального тексту: -
Дата останнього оновлення: 2000-01-01

This young man's murmur was detected in a military conscript health check. Further examinations included ECG, chest radiograph and repeated echocardiography that all yielded normal findings. The murmur was furthermore only heard in hyperkinesis. When the murmur was recorded, it was only heard when the young man became breathless from jumping. The murmur did not disappear when he held his breath. Spectrogram shows a murmur that could be the same cardiorespiratory murmur heard on auscultation. Age 20.6 years, height 179.0 cm, weight 75.0 kg. Auscultation area: left fourth intercostal space (LIC4).