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Зображення 01344. Electrical cardioversion: position of the electrodes

Автори: PekkaRaatikainen, HeikkiHuikuri
Редактор оригінального тексту: MarttiTeikari
Дата останнього оновлення: 2012-04-05

The electric current is best conducted through the heart if one of the defibrillator electrodes is positioned at the back of the patient (apex-posterior or anterior-posterior). If there is no such electrode available, it is recommended that one electrode is positioned at the apex of the heart and the other one up on the right side of the sternum (apex-anterior). In women, the electrode must not be positioned on the breast. Sufficient amount of conducting paste should be applied on the electrodes. Hand-held electrodes should be pressed on the skin with sufficient force.

Джерела інформації

R1. Finnish Current Care Guidelines / Working group for atrial fibrillation